Here’s What Our Clients Are Saying:
“We were having the same conversation over and over around the table and getting nowhere. You gave us a concrete direction to move in.”
Executive Stakeholder, Cooperative Organization
“We aren’t in a position to justify a full staff (for this). You helped us through the transition (after a hyper growth period). We see our next growth area and would absolutely do this again.”
CEO, Healthcare
“You showed us a way to grow and compete in an over-saturated market. Our point of entry is at a higher level. We don’t have to play the price game and we are able to go after more profitable business.”
President, Professional Services
“We like your model better than what else is out there. We didn’t want to work with (competitive firm) because we don’t get the attention we need.”
President, Building Materials
“We weren’t moving forward with strategy, we were moving forward with reactions. I liked that you weren’t selling me a product, that this was something we could use for change.”
Division President, Technology
“We don’t have time to keep (these things) front-burner. You help us do that so we don’t have to take the time to deal with it on a daily basis.”
Executive Vice President, Trade Organization
“I like that you understand how critical the interlinks are between functional groups. You help create synergy so the groups actively work together.”
Founder, Professional Services
“You helped us make the decision to expand and where to expand.”
President, Medical Services
“You created demand (for our products) and media attention (for our company). We have better pricing because of the image.”
Managing Partner, Consumer Products
“I was impressed by the organization and the way you pulled it off. Most (things like this) are unorganized and a waste of time. I wish they were all like this one.”
Political Stakeholder, Joint Client Initiative
“You have shown that you will work hard for us. We have approved for you to be involved in the future projects (of our portfolio).“
Partner, Energy Portfolio
“We invited you to participate (in a new project) because of your tenacity on past projects.”
Partner, Financial Services
“We wanted you to be involved because of what you can bring to the table.”
President & CEO, Manufacturing